Climate Guatemala

Climate Central America

Guatemala has three climatic zones: the warm zone (tierra caliente, up to 600 m), the temperate zone (tierra templada, 600 to 1500 m) and the cool zone (tierra fría, over 1,500 m).

The tropical climate in the tierra caliente (port cities and the Petén region in the north) is quite harsh, while the climate in the temperate and cool zones (including the area of the capital Guatemala City) is generally well tolerated. In the temperate zone, temperatures are uniform throughout the year. In the cool zone (over 1,500 m) a strong cooling at night is common.

In general, Guatemala has a rainy season from May to October, during which it rains mostly in the afternoons. In steep terrain, landslides are to be expected at this time. The dry season lasts from November to May. In the dry season there is hardly any rain. An exception to this is the Petén landscape.</para><para>In Guatemala City the annual average temperature at noon is 25°C. At night the average temperature is about 14/15°C. The humidity in the morning is between 81 and 91 percent and in the afternoon about 65 percent. During the months of May, June, August and September, the climate can be humid at times.

Guatemala is best visited during the dry season from November to May.


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