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Weather forecast

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North America South America Australia & Oceania Europe & Russia Central America Northern Africa Southern Africa Central Asia East Asia Western Asia Southeast Asia

Popular Destinations

Palma De Mallorca 17°C
Dubai 36°C
London 12°C
Madrid 17°C
Milan 13°C
Moscow -4°C
New York 5°C
Paris 15°C
Peking 4°C
Rio de Janeiro 34°C
Rome 16°C
San Francisco 18°C
Shanghai 5°C
Tokyo 8°C

Current Weather

Buenos Aires/Ezeiza Intl. 25°C
Dubai 27°C
Hongkong CLK/Intl 18°C
London/Heathrow 10°C
Mumbai 35°C
New York 2°C
Santiago de Chile (Airport) 16°C
Sydney/Intl 25°C

About meteo1

The weather is always an important topic and influences not only our leisure activities, but almost all areas of life. offers information about weather and climate. For many locations worldwide, detailed forecasts are made several times a day for the next 7 days.

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